EV Charging

EV Charging Options And Rates In Condo/Apartments

Are you EV owner who lives in condo and apartment buildings? You should know about the 3 ways residents can monitor and pay for EV charging! 

Option 1: Use an existing common account

Stratas can request to add EV chargers under an existing common use area account, such as hallways, parkades, and stairwells.  If the strata chooses this option, they will need to find a way to administer the billing and payments separately from the BC Hydro account. In this case, the most common payment approaches have been time-based or a flat monthly fee. Recently, Measurement Canada has also allowed EV charging rates to be billed based on the amount of energy used (i.e. in kilowatt-hours). 

Option 2: A separate meter and account for all charging

Stratas can request a separate meter to measure the electricity use from all EV chargers, and use a separate account from an existing common use account. This option is popular among many stratas. Similar to Option 1, the strata will need to find a way to administer the costs separately from their BC Hydro account. 

Option 3: Install separate meters for individuals

Stratas may find it useful to allow EV owners to set up dedicated meters for their EV charging. Under this option, residents pay directly for the EV charging energy they use combined with the unit’s electricity use under the existing residential account. However, there may not be space for another meter in an electrical room. The owner has to obtain approval from the strata for the electrical work and pay for the costs of the installation.

Interested in installation? Book your free assessment with us today! Email info@amorenergy.ca or call 604-267-1677.